Spring Fling.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

To say I am excited for our guest post this morning is an understatement! Daniella from DD&D is one of my favorite reads! Her style is impeccable and clean...whether you are looking at interiors or clothes she is one of the top! But don't just take my word for it...read below and hop over to her blog for even more fun!

Hello! Daniella here from Dress, Design & Decor, and as Spring is by far my favourite season of the year, i'm delighted to share my top 5 Spring things for the home...

1. Flowers... 'April showers, bring May flowers' after all! When the sun starts shining and Spring blooms start emerging, there's nothing more beautiful to decorate your home.

{via flickr}
2. Fresh Linens... Once Spring makes an appearance, it's time to fold away the Winter blankets and bring out the freshly pressed, white linens!
{via westelm for lonny mag}

3. Bright Windows... Natural light is so important for any home. I love when the sunshine comes streaming through each morning, especially after all those grey Winter days.


4. Outdoor Furniture... whether it's a tiny balcony, a large patio, or a little front porch, creating an outdoor space with comfy furniture is key to coffee enjoyed in the early morning or dinner in the evening with family &


5. Hammock... For lounging in your backyard with the sun shining and a light breeze in the air. Also, one of my first dates with my boyfriend of 6 years, so this item is considered romantic perfection to me!

{Elle Italia}

See I meant every word! Please go stop over at Daniella's and have a peek ant more loveliness! XOXO!


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